Ethics charter

Ethics charter

Sangetsu Group Corporate Ethics Charter

Companies, which are public institutions, must seek to develop diligently and give back something to society, acquiring profits through sound business activities. Sangetsu Group will contribute to the realization of abundant housing as a social contribution by providing valuable products and services based on its fundamental ideas.
Sangetsu Group will, in connection with the development of its business activities at home and abroad, act toward sustainable development on a voluntary basis, respecting fundamental human rights, complying with all laws, regulations and international rules, respecting the sprit thereof, and having social common sense, based on the following five (5) principles:

1. To remain a reliable company

The Group will give satisfaction to and gain reliability from its customers by developing and providing high-quality products and services with good and creative design, which are useful for comfortable and abundant living, with due consideration for the safety and protection of personal and customer information, as well as making efforts to improve Sangetsu Group’s brand value.

2. To fulfill corporate social responsibilities

The Group will disclose company information in an appropriate and fair manner, communicating with customers, business partners, stockholders and investors, people in the community, and employees. The Group will conduct active social contribution activities as a “good corporate citizen.” The Group will comply with laws, regulations and rules, compete in a fair, transparent and free manner, conduct fair transactions, and have a sound and normal relationship with politics and government, and will not have any relationship with antisocial forces and organizations which might pose a threat to the order and safety of civil society.

3. To ensure that employees work vigorously

The Group will secure the accurate operation of the personnel system where every employee can maximize his / her abilities as a key person for the management of the company and a safe, sound, comfortable, and pleasant working environment, respecting employees’ diversity, personality, and individual characters.

4. To protect the global environment

The Group will act in a voluntary and active manner, acknowledging that efforts towards global environment issues are essential for companies and their activities.

5. To earn the trust of and receive the sympathy of society

The top management of Sangetsu Group acknowledges that it is responsible for the realization of the spirit of this Charter and will take the lead in realizing the same and keep everyone informed thereabout. Such top management will enforce thorough corporate ethics as well as develop an effective system in the Company, listening to opinions within and outside the Company.
In the case of any event in violation of this Charter, the top management of Sangetsu Group will seek to identify the cause thereof and prevent a recurrence, demonstrating to those within and outside the Company that such top management is engaged in resolving the same. Such top management will disclose information to society in a rapid and appropriate manner and fulfill accountability thereabout and take strictly fair actions (including those for such top management), making the authority and responsibility clear.

Sangetsu Group Compliance Code of Conduct

Sangetsu Group Compliance Code of Conduct” ancillary to “Sangetsu Group Corporate Ethics Charter”, which apply to all officers and employees of Sangetsu Group, is established.

Chapter 1 General

Article 1 Intent and Application Scope of This Code

  1. This Sangetsu Group Compliance Code of Conduct (hereinafter referred to as “Code of Conduct”) is established based on the Sangetsu Group Corporate Ethics Charter (hereinafter referred to as “Corporate Ethics Charter”); this Code of Conduct applies to all officers and employees.
  2. We observe the Code of Conduct based on the understanding that respecting human rights as a member of society, complying with relevant laws, regulations and rules, acting with a high sense of ethics based on the corporate motto “Sincerity ”, and fulfilling social responsibilities lead to the improvement of Sangetsu Group’s corporate value.
  3. We seek to improve reliability for the Sangetsu Brand throughout our business activities based on brand principles, being aware that Sangetsu Group’s business activities have a large impact on the Sangetsu brand’s image. We use tools for creating the brand (logo mark, etc.) appropriately in accordance with established rules.

[Note] “We”, as used herein, refers to all officers (including those equivalent thereto) and employees (including non-regular employees, part-timers and temporary employees) of Sangetsu Group.
“Our Company”, as used herein, refers to the company in which each employee is engaged and works.

Article 2 Responsibility to Observe Codes

  1. We act based on corporate ethics and social codes under sound social common sense, and observe laws, regulations, and our Company’s Regulations and Rules, including but not limited to the Corporate Ethics Charter and Code of Conduct.
  2. An officer instructs and supervises all employees in the department for which he / she is responsible, and an employee in charge of management instructs and supervises his / her subordinates so that they will observe the Code of Conduct.
  3. The relevant departments conduct necessary activities, including but not limited to establishing our Company’s Regulations and Manuals, keeping everyone informed about specific observations, and advising and instructing, in order to ensure the exact implementation of corporate behaviors in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
  4. We acknowledge that if we perform an act in violation of the Code of Conduct that is prohibited by relevant laws, regulations or our Company’s Working Regulations, we must undergo disciplinary action in accordance therewith.

Article 3 Compliance System

  1. Our Company establishes the Compliance Committee, of which the President takes the position of chairperson. The person in charge of each department is responsible for maintaining and improving a system for the observance of laws, regulations and our Company’s Regulations, etc. in that department, and will seek to promote compliance activities in cooperation with compliance promotors appointed at each branch office or department.
  2. We will immediately notify our superior or report to the Compliance Helpline or Harassment Helpline within and outside our Company if we encounter an act which violates or might violate the Code of Conduct.

Chapter 2 Relationship with Society

Article 4 Environmental Conservation

We establish Sangetsu Environmental Policies and conduct environmentally-friendly corporate activities in accordance therewith, as well as comply with relevant laws, regulations and rules in order to preserve the global environment and contribute to the establishment of a sustainable society. We make efforts to reduce, on an ongoing basis, the impact on the environment through the entire product lifecycle, from product development, material procurement, production, distribution, use, and recycling to disposal, collaborating closely with business partners, etc.

Article 5 Social Contribution and Endowment Act

  1. We seek to proactively conduct social contribution activities as not only a business person but also a member of society or member in the community, as well as to contribute to the realization of abundant housing through business as a social contribution.
  2. When conducting an endowment act, we comply with relevant laws and regulations, with due consideration for the necessity and validity thereof.

Article 6 Transparent and Fair Relationship with Politics and Government

  1. We comply with relevant laws and regulations, including but not limited to political laws and competition law, with respect to political funds / donations, election and political activities.
  2. We will not, with respect to members of the Diet, the head and members of local government, executives and regular officials of public offices or local government (including deemed public servants who are executives and regular employees of a legal entity or body), etc., give any entertainment which might be deemed as the illegal provision of benefits or facilities, give any gift or conduct any act without reasonable grounds for the purpose of gaining unfair business advantages, or conduct any act of bribery.
  3. We will not, with respect to foreign public officials, etc. including but not limited to executives and regular officials of a foreign or local government, conduct any act which might be deemed as the illegal provision of benefits for the purpose of gaining unfair business benefits, or conduct any act of bribery.

Article 7 Prohibition Against Antisocial Forces

  1. We take a firm attitude against antisocial forces and organizations that might pose a threat to the order and safety of civil society, and will not have any relationship therewith.
  2. We will not conduct any act which might promote activities by antisocial forces and organizations.

Chapter 3 Relationship with Customers,
Business Partners and Competitors, etc.

Article 8 Customer Satisfaction; Ensuring of Safety of Products and Services

We give due consideration to the improvement of the safety and quality of products and services, based on the principles that we develop and market creative products on our own and sell high quality products satisfactory to customers at a fair price. This is in accordance with our corporate motto, corporate mission, three principles of Sangetsu and brand principles, and relevant laws and regulations, for the purpose of bringing satisfaction to customers at all times. In the case of damage, we provide rapid and appropriate relief and seek to prevent a recurrence thereof.

Article 9 Free Competition and Fair Transactions

  1. We conduct fair transactions with all business partners, complying with relevant laws and regulations, including but not limited to competition law, based on free competition principles.
  2. We will not conduct any unfair restrictive trade practices with competitors, including but not limited to cartels and bid-rigging. We will not attend any meeting or exchange information that leads or is suspected to lead to the limitation of fair and free competition, and will secure thorough fair and transparent behavior at all times.
  3. We conduct transactions with customers, business partners and competitors, etc. faithfully based on social ethics, ensuring that the relationship with them is transparent and fair at all times.
  4. We act according to sound commercial practices and social common sense with respect to entertaining business partners, etc. and the giving and receiving of gifts.

Article 10 Transactions with Suppliers and Collaborating Companies

  1. We conduct transactions with suppliers and collaborating companies faithfully in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and contracts, taking an equal and fair attitude toward them.
  2. We will not conduct any transaction with suppliers and collaborating companies that might cause unreasonable disadvantage to them by using our advantageous position.
  3. We will not, in connection with procurement operations, etc., pursue benefits on an individual basis, including but not limited to the receipt of benefits and facilities.

Article 11 Transactions with Vendors

  1. We conduct transactions with vendors faithfully in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and contracts, taking an equal and fair attitude toward them.
  2. We will not conduct any dishonest or unfair act toward vendors, including but not limited to foreclosing behavior, discriminatory treatment, and business activities by constraint.

Article 12 Compliance with Laws and Regulations, etc. in Overseas Business Activities

  1. We conduct business activities in the market abroad respecting the culture, customs and history of the relevant country or community, and comply with national, local, and international laws, regulations and rules.
  2. We conduct export and import transactions with respect to products, technologies, and labor services, etc. appropriately in accordance with procedures provided for in our Company’s Regulations, etc., complying with relevant laws and regulations whether domestically or abroad.

Article 13 Proper Representation in Promoting and Advertising

We will not, in sales activities, including but not limited to promoting and advertising, make any display or representation with respect to the quality, performance and specifications, etc. of products and services that is incorrect or might mislead users.

Article 14 Understanding of Consumer Protection System

We fulfill our responsibility for explaining products and the warranty thereon, depending on customers’ knowledge and experience and the characteristics of products and services, and understand the intent of consumer protection laws and regulations and comply with the same.

Chapter 4 Relationship with Shareholders and Investors

Article 15 Accurate Accounting Records and Reports

We prepare accurate accounting records in accordance with laws, regulations and rules and report financial conditions and operating results in all sincerity to stockholders, investors and public offices, etc. to which we have a duty to report.

Article 16 Reception and Transmission of Company Information

  1. We seek to ensure that Sangetsu Group’s business activities are understood, disclosing its company information including but not limited to business details and the state of business activities to stockholders and investors, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
  2. We secure the accuracy of transmitted company information at all times, and transmit information in a timely, appropriate, and fair manner, with consideration for the necessity of confidentiality.
  3. We handle received company information, etc. in an appropriate manner, after careful examination.

Article 17 No Insider Trading

If we obtain nonpublic important information about Sangetsu Group and other companies in the course of business operations and transactions, we will not purchase or sell securities, including but not limited to stocks. We will not disclose such nonpublic important information to any third party. In connection with the purchase or sale of Sangetsu Group stock, we will go through the procedures provided for in our Company’s Regulations and will not conduct any act which is suspected to be insider trading.

Article 18 No Illegal Provision of Benefits

We will not provide any benefits with respect to the exercise of rights of stockholders, or provide or promise to provide economic benefits in response to any request of corporate extortionists, etc.

Chapter 5 Relationship with Company and Other Employees, etc.

Article 19 Attitude toward Performance of Business Operations

  1. We perform business operations in a faithful manner, expressing our gratitude with the spirit of dedication, to embody our Company’s corporate philosophy
  2. We seek to improve ourselves at all times, aiming to be a group of employees with expertise, creativity and a challenging will who can think and act by ourselves. We as individuals and Company perform business operations together, with common interests and aspirations.
  3. We will not conduct any transaction which might result in a conflict of interests for our Company or any act which might commingle business and private affairs.

Article 20 Respect for Human Rights; No Discriminatory Treatment

  1. We respect and defend international standards for human rights (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, etc.) and international standards for labor (ILO Core Labor Standards, etc.).
  2. We will not unjustly discriminate by reason of sex, age, nationality, race, ethnic group, creed, religion, social status, physical disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc., with respect to labor conditions or words and actions exchanged, respecting individual human right.
  3. We will respect and defend fundamental labor rights, and will not infringe the same.
  4. We will not allow forced or child labor.
  5. We seek to prevent industrial accidents, complying with occupational health and safety laws, regulations and rules, and seek to establish a working environment and system where health and safety are ensured.
  6. We handle personal information with extreme caution and seek to manage it in an appropriate manner, respecting individual privacy.
  7. We seek to act in a moderate way as a good member of society and good family member with common sense and abundant humanity.

Article 21 Elimination of Power Harassment and Sexual Harassment, etc.

  1. We seek to create a workplace with a comfortable and friendly atmosphere, where we will not commit or cause anyone to commit sexual or power harassment, etc., upon the understanding and cooperation of all members.
  2. We will not pretend not to see harassment, including but not limited to the utilization of the Harassment Helpline, etc.

Article 22 Establishment of Working Environment; Boss’s Responsibilities

  1. We seek to maintain and improve working conditions, operating a personnel system where self-fulfillment is realized.
  2. We seek to secure a safe, healthy, comfortable and easy-to-work working environment and to improve a promotion system aimed at building both physical and mental health.
  3. We acknowledge that it is the most important responsibility to cultivate human resources and the boss in the office organization seeks to cultivate his / her subordinates through daily work.
  4. We seek to make assessments in a fair and evenhanded manner, as well as motivate an individual employee, give him / her a place to use his / her skills and allow him / her to maximize his / her abilities.
  5. We seek to fulfill our job responsibilities in anticipation of the improvement of subordinates’ qualifications and sense of humanity, bearing in mind that we must set an example to others first and improve ourselves.

Chapter 6 Management of Corporate Property and Information

Article 23 Management and Proper Use of Corporate Property and Information

We will manage our Company’s property (tangible or intangible assets) appropriately in accordance with our Company’s Regulations, etc. and will not use it for other than business purposes, including but not limited to misappropriation for private purposes.

Article 24 Handling of Confidential Information

  1. We will manage our Company’s confidential information in a strict manner and will not, during our tenure of office or after our retirement, disclose or divulge the same without going through procedures provided for in our Company’s Regulations, etc. We manage information-processing equipment with due care, and in the case of a loss thereof, we immediately take appropriate action.
  2. We will not, during our tenure of office or after our retirement, use our Company’s confidential information in an unauthorized or unjust manner.
  3. We will not use information about customers, suppliers, vendors, or other business partners obtained in the course of business operations for other than legitimate purposes and will manage the same in a strict manner so that it is not disclosed or divulged, in accordance with our Company’s Regulations, etc.
  4. When using information-processing equipment and other information systems, we give thorough protection against infringing behaviors from the outside, and prevent the careless divulging of information, observing rules including but not limited to codes of security, in a strict manner. We will not access or obtain information in the possession of customers, suppliers, vendors, or other business partners and competitors, etc., by unauthorized means.

Article 25 Handling of Personal Information

We obtain, use and provide personal information appropriately in accordance with our Company’s Regulations, understanding the importance of the protection of personal information. We aim for the prevention and correction of the divulging, loss or damage of personal information handled by taking necessary or adequate security measures.

Article 26 Protection and Utilization of Intellectual Property Rights

  1. We seek to protect, maintain and actively utilize results derived from intellectual activities including but not limited to research and development, using intellectual property rights (including but not limited to patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights, and copyright). We treat these rights in accordance with our Company’s Regulations, etc.
  2. We will respect a third party’s legitimate intellectual property rights and will not intentionally infringe or use in an unauthorized manner the same.

Article 27 Proper Use of Social Media, etc.

When we, on an individual basis, participate in social media (including blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and Mixi) or establish a website, we take care to act with self-awareness as a member of society with common sense, being responsible for what we say.