Long-term vision and Medium-term business plan

Long-term vision and Medium-term business plan

The Long-term Vision of the Sangetsu Group【DESIGN 2030】

In 2020, the Sangetsu Group formulated the Long-term Vision 【DESIGN 2030】, aiming to transform itself into a Space Creation Company. Based on the recognition of these issues, we have clarified the image of the Space Creation Company that the Sangetsu Group aims to become.

Corporate Vision

We will utilize design capabilities and creativity based on human and digital capital to organically integrate four functions, which are

  • Attractive space design proposals based on the best concept for each market
  • Space material provision that proposes a wide range of products with advanced planning, development, and procurement capabilities
  • Inventory, shipping, and logistics that enable immediate delivery over a wide area without running out of stock
  • Swift, large-scale, integrated construction through a variety of businesses, personal relationships, and corporate partnerships

and transform into a company that provides high value in space creation globally.

Business environment

Expansion of the economic value of experiences

  • Diversification in personal tastes
  • From possessions to use and experiences
  • Focusing on the quality of life
  • Peace of mind, safety, and health
  • Rapid penetration of digital technologiesin personal life
  • Desire for interpersonal connections

Design-driven management

Sangetsu Group will aim to increase the value we can provide through designing to transform our business.

Not only pursuing the beauty, function and coordination of products and spaces themselves, we will conceptualize, design and propose the interaction of people and space by considering the way people spend time, live, experience and act.

In addition to designing entities and space, we will increase our brand value by designing and proposing experiences, and will aim to transform, from the company that sells things, into the company that creates spaces, and proposes and realizes matters.

Approach for Achieving the Long-term Vision

Social Values Sangetsu Group Aims to Realize

Sangetsu Group aims to contribute to the realization of a society that is:

Inclusive  An equal and healthy inclusive society Sustainable A sustainable society that protects the global environment  Enjoyable A more affluent and enjoyable society


A safe and comfortable society for everyone inclusive

Not only hunger and poverty, but education and living environments for children and gender disparity are also serious issues in the world as barriers to the creation of an equal society.
Sangetsu Group will contribute to realize a safe and comfortable society for everyone inclusive, where diversity is respected without disparity, through our business activities to create peaceful and inspirational spaces, as well as various social activities by Group companies and employees.


A sustainable society to maintain the global environment

As environmental issues such as climate change, air and sea contamination are becoming serious, while an aging, decreasing population and the biodiversity are also crucial, to realize a sustainable society is the essential challenge. Sangetsu Group will contribute to realize a sustainable society that will protect the global environment through the creation of long-term usable space as well as the development of the products with low environmental impact and the minimization of the environmental footprint through the total supply chain.


A more affluent and enjoyable society

While sense of values are diversifying and various preferences and demands for spaces to spend time are expanding, there are many people living in spaces without enough comfort. Sangetsu Group will contribute to realize a more prosperous and enjoyable society by creating a world where everyone can live safe and comfortable in various cultures, environments, and backgrounds, and by bringing the joy of design and inspiring spaces to the world.

Fiscal Year Ended March 2030
Consolidated Net Sales and Operating Income Targets

Toward a Space Creation Company and Beyond

In May 2020, we announced our Long-term Vision “DESIGN 2030” and the previous Medium-term Business Plan, and in the process of promoting them, we have confirmed the expansion of our revenue base and the stability of our earnings by transforming ourselves into a Space Creation Company. However, we also recognized the need to further develop our business beyond being a space creation company to achieve further growth. As a Space Creation Company, in order to propose and provide spaces for various scenes, it is necessary to consider and envision how people spend their time in that space. In other words, space creation involves thinking about what kind of space to provide and how people can utilize the space, and this is closely related to considering how spatial operations are carried out. In this sense, we believe that beyond the space creation business, there is potential, and we will continue to consider the possibility of expanding in the space operation business.

Spatial Dimension ✕ Temporal Dimension / Space creation: Provision of space / Space operation: Provision of management services utilizing space, Space subscription

Medium-term Business Plan (2023-2025)【 BX 2025 】

Our corporate group has revised the Long-term Vision of Sangetsu Group ”DESIGN 2030” which was announced in May 2020, and formulated a three-year Medium-term business Plan(2023-2025) “BX 2025,” which will end in fiscal 2025. Their outlines are as follows.

Basic Policies and Measures of the Medium-term Business Plan【BX 2025】

Basic Policy

Medium-term Business Plan (2023–2025)[BX 2025]: To strengthen and expand our ability to provide solutions that enhance the value of space creation, we are transforming our company into a space creation company with strong earnings power and growth potential, expanding our business in key products and markets, as well as expanding our product lineup, exterior business, and overseas business.<br>In addition, we will consider the possibility of a space operation business in order to develop a business that will enable further long-term growth. * Three years to prepare for the next leap forward *BX=Business Transformation


1. Supporting expansion, advancement, and active utilization of human capital (1) Allocating HR personnel for each organization (2) Significantly increasing diverse mid-career hires and recruitment of new graduates (3) Improving education and training to strengthen expertise and business-building capabilities (4) Improving working conditions and environment (5) Improving the ratio of part-timers and promoting diversity 2. Accumulation, analysis, and utilization of digital capital (1) Renovating core systems for business model transformation (2) Promoting the utilization of information and data for value chain transformation, including spatial design proposals (3) Improving efficiency and stability of sales and logistics through the utilization of commercial and logistics data in collaboration with distributors (4) Improving operations and promoting digitization of on-site operations 3. Strengthening the ability to provide solutions (1) Strengthening space design and space proposing capabilities specialized for each market (2) Expanding and improving the product lineup and strengthening brand development (3) Developing and strengthening the product procurement system (4) Geographically and functionally expanding and strengthening the logistics system (5) Developing large-scale, swift interior installation resources and a construction management system 4. Exterior and Overseas Businesses (1) Expanding the scale and target area of the exterior business and advancing it (2) Strengthening product and space design capabilities, developing a quick-delivery system, strengthening construction support capabilities, and establishing a sales system tuned to market needs in order to transform the overseas business into a space creation business 5. Enhancing social value (1) Reducing non-consolidated and consolidated GHG (Scopes 1 & 2) emissions (2) Grasping GHG (Scope 3) emissions and clarifying reduction measures (3) Strengthening development of products with low environmental burdens (4) Promoting recycling, including expansion of Sample Book Recycling Centers (5) Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (6) Promoting activities to improve the living environment of orphanages (7) Providing continuous support for children in need, developing countries, and refugees

Values the Sangetsu Group Aims to Realize

Quantitative target (KPI) for Economic value

Targets for FY2025

Sangetsu will manage its business with a recognition of ESG as it works toward the “Realize social value” set as a goal in its long-term vision.

Quantitative target (KPI) for Social value

Targets for FY2025

1. Global environment

1) Reduction of Environmental Impact in Business Activities (Scopes 1 & 2)

GHG Emissions: Consolidated 28% Reduction (from FY2021), GHG Emissions: Non-Consolidated 60% Reduction (from FY2018), Energy Consumption: Non-Consolidated 6.0% Reduction (from FY2018), Recycling Rate(Effective Utilization Rate): Non-Consolidated 90% or higher

2. Human capital

1) Employee Health and Skill Development, Culture Reform

Ratio of non-smokers: Non-consolidated 85% or higher, Investment in human capital: Non-consolidated 700 million yen in 3 years, No. of mid-career workers hired: Non-consolidated 60 to 80 in 3 years, Engagement score*: Non-consolidated 58.0(A) * Used scores for “Motivation Cloud” provided by Link and Motivation Inc.

2) Promotion of Diversity & Inclusion

Ratio of female managers: Non-consolidated 25% or higher, Ratio of employees with disabilities: Non-consolidated 4% or higher, Ratio of male employees taking childcare leave: Non-consolidated 100%, 2 weeks or longer

3. Social capital

1) Community Involvement

Renovation of children home: Consolidated 50 cases/year, Matching gift: Consolidated 18,000 S-mile, Costs for social contribution, including donation to external groups: Consolidated. We target to spend around 0.3-0.5% of annual ordinary income for social contribution activities. In case of donation, we plan to donate to specific groups continuously.